The Economics of Organized Crime

The Economics of Organized Crime

Organized Crime. A fascinating product of a society that has been the focus of many studies in the last century. Organized crime groups mostly engage in regular economic activity, the production and distribution of various services and drugs, gambling, and prostitution. For that reason, we as bystanders are tempted to think that mafias and gangs…

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The Nisour Square Massacre

The Nisour Square Massacre

On September 16, 2007, employees of the Blackwater Security Consulting private security firm opened fire on unarmed Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square in Baghdad while directing traffic. While reports differ on the death toll, the Iraqi government eventually found that the Blackwater employees had killed 17 civilians and injured 20 more. Blackwater, which has since…

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Economic Crisis: The Inflation in Bolivia in 1985

Economic Crisis: The Inflation in Bolivia in 1985

Ever imagined what would happen if the basic necessities for life, essential for sustenance, experienced an increase in prices per hour? The Bolivian economy and population faced this scary situation throughout the ‘lost decade’ of Latin America, experiencing 23,500% increases in prices per hour. Bolivia was recorded to have the seventh-highest inflation in the history of mankind…

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The Story of Sylvia Mendez

When most people think of public school integration, they think of the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, which decided that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and required public schools to integrate. However, it was a lesser-known case, Mendez v. Westminster, that set the foundation for the Supreme Court’s Brown v….

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spanish d 94: Everything You Need to Know

spanish d 94: Everything You Need to Know

Spanish D 94 is a term that resonates deeply within niche circles, but for many, it may spark questions. What exactly is D 94? Who is it for, and why does it matter? Whether you’re a curious learner or an expert seeking precise details, this article provides a complete breakdown to help you understand everything…

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The History of Ice Cream

The History of Ice Cream

‘Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream falls from the cone.’ HAVE AN ICE CREAM? Seriously! Try it. The soothing cold, a kickback from the chocolate taste, coupled with the sweet crunch of the chocolate chips is a treat that Baskin Robbins so perfectly makes. It is the…

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