History of the Direct Action Day

History of the Direct Action Day

The midnight hour of 15 August 1947 witnessed the birth of two nations – India and Pakistan, carved out of British India. The two newly independent nations had been divided based on religion, considered necessary to prevent social conflict and violence in the future. The momentum for separation had been building up years before, with…

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The Lavender Scare

The Lavender Scare

The Lavender Scare: a panic that captivated the United States during the Cold War and at the height of the Second Red Scare. The Lavender Scare gripped the US in the late 1940s until the 1960s and ran parallel to the Second Red Scare in the US after World War II. But what was it? It was…

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History of The Incredible Inca Empire

History of The Incredible Inca Empire

In the pre-Columbian era, the Incas built the largest and most sophisticated empire in South America. It extended from the northern border of modern Ecuador to the Maule River in central Chile. It featured a strong and centralized administration system, a well-developed roadway network, and a unique recording system called Q_uipu_. The Inca Empire also…

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Why did Starbucks fail in Australia?

Why did Starbucks fail in Australia?

Everyone knows Starbucks – the largest coffeehouse in the world, operating in over 76 countries with 30,626 stores. It has single-handedly changed the coffee culture around the world. Even the sentence ‘Do you want to get some coffee?’ has been replaced by the infamous Wanna get some Starbucks? But the megachain’s story has not been all…

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The Economics Of Terrorism

The Economics Of Terrorism

The attack of  9/11 caused a loss of more than $100 billion to the federal government. Catastrophic circumstances led India to spend approximately 1.14 trillion rupees in 16 years just on Kashmir security to defeat regular terror attacks. In 2017 Saudi Arabia and Oman spent more than 10% of their GDP on the military. These numbers tend to…

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price charalabush | High-Quality Options Which You Need

price charalabush | High-Quality Options Which You Need

If you’re searching for high-quality Price Charalabush options, you’re likely looking for products that not only meet your expectations but also offer the best value for your investment. Selecting the right Price option can be daunting due to the variety of choices available. However, understanding the features, benefits, and applications of these options will empower…

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